GoodnessMe Box Review


A monthly subscription box full of health food products and snacks, the GoodnessMe Box is a great way to sample new and different health foods on the market. All of the products that go into the GoodnessMe Box are nutritionist approved by the members of their team, so we can trust that they’re good products. As a nutritionist myself, I can confirm that the majority of the products that I’ve received in my GoodnessMe Box get my tick of approval.

For $29 per month, the contents of the box always add up to be far more value. There are also some great subscription offers that give you bonus gifts when you sign up for an extended period of time, further adding to the already great value.

Each box is themed and there have been some great examples are the Gut Health Box, the Festive Box, the Sustainable Box, the Self Care Box and so much more. There are also challenges to take part in where they add on the education element to help us live a healthy life and learn more about the theme of the month.

Honestly, receiving my GoodnessMe Box makes it feel like Christmas every month! I love that it’s a surprise and you never know what you’re going to get to enjoy that month. It’s always so exciting to open it up and see what’s inside!

I personally love receiving it as it’s a great way for me as a nutritionist to sample different products that are on the market. It allows me to try products I otherwise may not have known about and then I can give honest reviews and recommendations based on this.

If you’re interested in receiving delicious health foods to your door each month, I highly recommend subscribing to receive your very own GoodnessMe Box.

You can get 10% off your first order with GoodnessMe using the code ‘SHAHNA’.



With over 5 years of experience in the nutrition and natural health industry, I’ve seen time and time again that health doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. It’s all about coming back to the basics, focusing on eating real foods, building healthy habits and getting our mindset right.

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