Steph Geddes | Nourished Tribe

Meet Steph Geddes, an inspiring nutritionist that is doing big things in the industry! Not only is Steph a recipe developer, speaker and ambassador, but she also runs cooking classes, has her own wellness diary, runs a successful online detox program and owns a gym, Linked Training & Nutrition with her personal trainer husband, Jack. Her recipes are featured in numerous books and publications and she works with brands, businesses, cafes and gyms to provide nutritious recipes for their customers. She is one inspiring lady and is helping thousands take control of their health!

Over to you Steph…

Nourished Tribe Feature Project Nourish - Nutritionist Steph Geddes.jpg

Tell us a bit about yourself:
I’m a Registered Nutritionist and I work for myself – my business is called Body Good Food. I’m super passionate about seasonal wholefoods and eating quality local food. I’m married to a PT who is also my business partner in my other business Linked Training and Nutrition. I love to travel, I have a Rottweiler fur baby and a real baby on the way 

Finish this sentence: ’Everyone that knows me knows that…’ I love food, cooking and cuddling my dog.

What does living a nourished life mean to you? 
It means having a lifestyle that supports my body both physically, mentally and spiritually. Through diet, exercise, every day activities, thoughts and actions you can have abundance of things that really light you up and allow you to thrive and enjoy life.  

What sparked your passion for health & wellness? 
I was always very sporty as kid so it started there and eventually when I studied nutrition it evolved to include more than just movement.

Describe your food philosophy: 
When it comes to nutrition “life’s too short to not eat chocolate”. I focus on incorporating all of the different food groups in a way that celebrates quality produce and eating with the seasons. I aims to bring balance, confidence and happiness back into both our food and bodies.

Tell us about what a typical day on your plate looks like: 
This is almost impossible to answer because I eat differently every day but a typical day at the moment (20 weeks pregnant) is sourdough with peanut butter and cottage cheese upon waking. Kefir with berries and walnuts mid morning. Lunch is a wrap with either egg/tuna/chicken, salad, avo and a a creamy mix of vegan mayo and kefir. Afternoon snack is some almonds and pineapple or a homemade muffin or some raw veggie sticks. Dinner could be tempeh rice paper rolls, wild salmon with sweet potato chips and salad or organic lamb with BBQ veggies. I usually always have 90% dark chocolate and peppermint tea after dinner but since being pregnant have not felt like it!  

One bit of health advice you wish everyone would follow: Forget diets, just ensure majority of what you eat is vegetables and make sure it’s tasty 

What is one health, wellness or personal development book that you think everyone should read? 
I love The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday. And of course The Body Good Diary 

Last but not least, where can people find you? and on Instagram @nutritionist_stephgeddes

You can learn more about Steph in the latest podcast episode of Nutrition Grad Guide, where she talks all about her career and experiences as a freelance nutritionist. You can find the episode via apple podcasts and spotify.