Areas to Optimise for Healthy Skin


Areas to Optimise for Healthy Skin

If you’re looking to have healthy, clear and glowing skin, there are a few areas that we can optimise to support this. The health of our skin, starts from within, so it makes sense that a large chunk of these are related to our diet, followed by some considerations related to our lifestyle and healthy habits.

In this blog post, I outline some of the key things to do for optimal skin health.

Dietary considerations:

  • Eat skin loving foods
    This one won't come as a surprise. Refer to yesterday's email or this blog post to brush up on which foods these are.

  • Eliminate skin irritants
    Some of the most common irritants are gluten, dairy and sugar. It's important to identify if these are irritants for your skin and temporarily remove or limit them if so.

  • Support liver detoxification
    Our liver plays a vital role in skin health and an overburdened liver can present itself via the skin. Eating lots of real foods that support the health of our liver and reduce liver burden is the way to go.

  • Optimise gut health and digestion
    The gut-skin connection shows us the link between the health of our gut and the health of our skin (and vice versa). Incorporate plenty of variety, meet your fibre requirements and promote digestion through the foods that you eat.

  • Balance blood sugar levels
    Eating macronutrient balanced meals that support blood sugar regulation is extremely beneficial for skin health. You'll have gotten a taste for these via your HSFW 3-day sample.

  • Reduce inflammation
    It's vital to address inner inflammation to support skin health. We can do this by eating real food recipes and incorporating nutrients that are anti-inflammatory.


Lifestyle considerations:

  • Stay hydrated
    Meeting your daily water intake can have a number of benefits, and skin health is one of those. Aim to stay hydrated throughout the day and switch to filtered water.

  • Regulate your nervous system
    Stress has a huge impact on our health, including the health of our skin. Promote relaxation and work towards decreasing your stress levels as much as possible.

  • Support lymphatic drainage
    Our lymphatic system is another system involved in the health of our skin. We can support lymphatic drainage though movement and/or massage. Aim to move your body in some way every day.

  • Reduce toxin exposure
    From using natural skin care, cosmetics and beauty products on your skin, drinking filtered water, to ditching conventional perfume and switching to natural cleaning products, it can be highly beneficial to reduce your chemical exposure for better skin health.


If you’re ready to nail these dietary considerations have 2 qualified Nutritionists support you with having healthy skin, you’ll want to grab a copy of the 6-week meal plan: Healthy Skin From Within.

You’ll gain access to weekly meal plans, shopping lists and recipes that contain all of these skin loving foods and optimise the various systems and areas I’ve mentioned above. You can learn more about Healthy Skin From Within by clicking here.


Shahna SarpiComment