Nourished Book Club

As someone who loves reading and sees the incredible value that we can gain from books, I’ve decided to create an online health and wellness book club, which I’m calling the Nourished Book Club. This book club is open to anyone and everyone, I would love it if you join me as we gain valuable insight into different health related topics.

Each month, I’m going to pick 1 book that I know will benefit us in the area of health and wellness. Then, we can spend that month making the time to read and get through the chosen book. It is completely up to you if you’d like to join each month, you can come and go as you please. My main hope is that this inspires you to spend some time dedicated to learning and growth. 


I prioritise growth in my life because I know how important it is. How do I do this? Each day I do one or more activities that can support my learning process, this includes reading, listening to podcasts, taking online courses, watching webinars, attending seminars etc. Why do I do this? Because I want to be the best version of myself and I want to help others do the same. If nothing changes, nothing changes. We create our reality and growth allows us to become the person that we want to be and live the life that we dream of. 

Living a nourished life isn’t just about the food that we eat, although that is an incredibly important part of it. It is about the holistic approach, and reading, learning and growing all play a role in that. We become what we are exposed to, including the books that we read. Let’s fill our minds with beneficial information and tools to support us in being the healthiest, happiest versions of ourselves. 

When it comes to reading, I think it’s incredible that we can pick up a book and learn from experts who have spent years gaining valuable experience and insight into certain areas. For us to be able to learn in a few hours, what they put years of dedication into, truly blows my mind at times. How lucky are we to have these amazing tools, let’s make the most of them and not take them for granted. 

I’ve always been a lover of books, when I was young, you would find me with my head buried in a book. but unfortunately as time passed and life got busier, I spent less and less time reading. I’d go through phases of not reading a single book for 6 months, to reading book after book in a short period of time. Like that time I read 14 books in just over 4 months while travelling through South America. Let’s just say there were a lot of 20+ hour bus trips.

This year though, on my quest of constant growth, I have started prioritising reading time. Each day, before I go to bed, I schedule in some time to read. I find it’s the perfect way to switch off from technology before bed*, unwind from the day and absorb some valuable information. My hope is that this wellness book club encourages you to do the same. 


So, what type of books will we be reading? Generally the books will be non-fiction and will include health topics such as nutrition, exercise, mindfulness and pretty much any personal growth and development subjects. Anything that supports our journey towards living a nourished life. 

To start, the June book is GUT by Giulia Enders. This great book is a good one to start with because it’s an engaging and humorous read that teaches us all about the inner workings of our gut. You can get your copy here.

I’ll announce future books one week before the next month starts so that you have time to purchase your copy and join in. This will be announced via my instagram account @projectnourish.

At the end of each month, I will post a book review, which will include my thoughts and key learnings from the book we have just read. I invite you to comment on the post and join in on the discussion.

I hope you’ll join me in the Nourished Book Club and have this as one of the many tools in our toolkit that can support us in living a nourished life. 

Summary of the things you need to know:

  • Nourished Book Club is a health & wellness book club where we will read books that support us in living a nourished life

  • We read 1 book per month, with the chosen book being announced one week before the next month starts

  • On the last day of the month, I will be posting a book review with my thoughts on the book and some of my key learnings as an article on my website. You are invited to discuss your thoughts and learnings with me and other readers in the comment section. 

*I’ll write an article about why we need to switch off technology before bed, but basically the blue light emitted from technology devices can mess with our melatonin production and interfere with our sleep. 

Wondering where I purchase all of my books from? I always use Book Depository as I find they have the most competitive prices and have free shipping! Depending whether the books are shipping from the UK or Australia, I usually allow 1-2 weeks for them to arrive. What are you waiting for, time to start stocking up that book shelf here.

Book List:

You can keep up to date with the current and past books via the Nourished Book Club Book List.
