Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini | Book Review

The September book, Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini, teaches us how to open wide and live from a place of love. Divided into three powerful sections, this book dives into the topics of deep love, rocking relationships and soulful sex. Sharing her own stories and experiences, Melissa gives us an insightful and practical guide on how we can master these three important areas of our lives and be open to incredible possibilities. 

The book asks us to bring about self awareness in each of these areas and has us examine our beliefs and limitations. This allows us to  identify what’s holding us back from experiencing deep connection, both within ourselves and with others. We’re encouraged to go inward and do the work so that we can reap the amazing rewards. 


Part one has us going internal and bringing the focus on ourself. Melissa teaches about the masculine and feminine energies, archetypes, creating sacred rituals and creative expression. She delves into the four phases of our menstrual cycle, encouraging us to be in tune with our bodies and honour these seasons that we go through.

Introducing the concept of Crystal Clear Communication, Melissa encourages us to speak from the heart and be fully present when communicating with the people around us. In a time where we’re all so distracted and caught up in our heads, I think this is such an important concept and one we can all step into more. 

Part two has us examining our relationships, this includes our friendships, love relationships and one of the most important relationships of all, the one we have with ourselves. 

It all starts with us, self love is the foundation for experiencing deep love in all of our relationships. Melissa encourages us to quit people pleasing and honour our truth. She explains that awareness is the key to growth, so it is vital to become self aware and step into our authentic selves. Providing practical ways to embody self love, Melissa talks about things like judgement and comparison and why we need to let go of these and fully accept ourselves.

Th importance of determining your values, and the values, qualities and interests that we want people that we’re in relationship with to have, is discussed in the next section. Melissa teaches us how to call in they types of relationships we want to have and what to do when we’re not in alignment. There is a whole heap of information about how we can cultivate rocking relationships and things that we can put into practice to enhance our relationships. She talks about boundaries, break-ups, soul mates, communication, vulnerability and so much more and there are so many gold nuggets of wisdom. 

I tell you what, the world would be such a different place (in a great way) if everyone took the time to learn the teachings in this book! 

Part three takes us into the bedroom and talks all things soulful sex. I love Melissa’s approach to and talking about sex and the way that she says our sexuality is something to be celebrated, not surpressed. While sex can be such a taboo topic, or spoken about in a very derogatory way, it’s powerful to open up the conversation about sex in this special and sacred way. 

Some of my key take aways from the book:

  • Relationships are our biggest mirror, biggest teachers and our biggest spiritual assignment.

  • There is always a price to pay when you ignore your intuition. Spend more time tapping into your intuition and strengthening it.

  • We are human BEings, not human DOings. Integrate rest and rejuvenation to recharge each day.

  • Spend more time connecting to nature, head outside and bring Mother Nature inside too.

  • Everything is a reflection of us; what we judge in others we judge and don’t own within ourselves.

  • Disappointment only occurs when we have expectations, so get rid of expectations.

  • Our self worth is reflected in all areas of our life.

  • We teach others how we want to be treated.

Melissa encourages us to keep your heart and mind open so that we can experience the deep levels of love that we all deserve. 

Personally I’m a big fan of this book and all of Melissa’s work, if you can’t already tell! So grab a copy of her book here and start delving into your relationships.

Now it’s time for the October Nourished Book Club book Stress Less, Accomplish More by Emily Fletcher. Through this book we’ll go pithing and learn about the importance of mindfulness, meditation and manifestation. Gran your copy here and join in!